Nation Wide Ladder Helps Avoid Ladder Disasters
Thursday, 30 June 2016
by Patrick Lyon
The internet is a great place to go for a laugh or two, and Nation Wide Ladder has been sent multiple pictures of people working on ladders that are cringe worthy! Not only are they often accidents waiting to happen, they are impacting the safety of anyone in the immediate vicinity. We have a few
- Published in Uncategorized, Fall Protection Tips, Ladders, Scaffolding, FAQs
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Why You Should Invest in a Fire Escape Ladder
Monday, 27 June 2016
by Patrick Lyon
We often talk about all of the fall protection and Alum-A-Pole safety features in our scaffolding because we know how important safety is at Nation Wide Ladder. We want all of our customers to use our ladders with care and to prevent injury, and that is why we have fire escape ladders available for purchase.
Safety Tips for Scaffolding Use
Friday, 10 June 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Nation Wide Ladder & Equipment Company has been serving NH and MAโs scaffolding needs since 1975. Not only do we want to help with whatever job youโre hoping to complete, we want you to complete it in one piece. We have a few tips to make sure you stay safe while working with our scaffolding
- Published in FAQs, Fall Protection Tips, Ladders, Scaffolding, Construction Equipment
Surprise Dad This Father’s Day
Sunday, 05 June 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Though we might sell premium scaffolding in MA and NH, that doesn’t mean we forgot about those who are just in need of a brand new ladder to keep at home. Being in the construction industry or a do-it-yourselfer means you take pride in the work you accomplishย around your house, and Nation Wide Ladder
- Published in Construction Equipment, Ladders
Always Triple Check Ladder Instructions
Monday, 30 May 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Nation Wide Ladder often answers questions about proper use and safety while using our ladders and scaffolding in MA. Some questions are simpler than others, but one tip we often find ourselves giving and hope our customers take away is using common sense and rereading the instructions of their equipment before use. Every ladder
- Published in FAQs, Fall Protection Tips, Ladders, Scaffolding, Construction Equipment
Ladders for Any DIY Project
Sunday, 15 May 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Nation Wide Ladderโs didnโt just get its name for fun, we supply nearly any ladder to NH and MA residents imaginable. As a premiere ladder company, we know that projects can be big and small, DIY or professionally completed, and whatever your reason for shopping with us, weโre happy to help. We have options for
- Published in Ladders, Current Specials, General
Ladder Rehabilitation Can Save You Money
Sunday, 10 April 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Being on a budget is something we all relate to, and hardworking New England business owners often come across problems that can only be fixed with money. Companies that utilize ladders for their day-to-day operations can find their equipment facing the usual wear and tear of the job and other damages. Nation Wide Ladder offers
- Published in Ladders, Construction Equipment, Current Specials
Benefits of Alum-A-Pole Scaffolding
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
by Patrick Lyon
Nation Wide Ladder is a proud partner with Alum-A-Pole scaffolding, and weโre always excited to tell our customers about the best deals we have. Alum-A-Pole is the to-go scaffolding for major construction jobs, and there are plenty of reasons we continue to work with them. From safety to assembly, itโs the right choice for any
- Published in Construction Equipment, Fall Protection Tips, Ladders
Reach New Heights With Nation Wide Ladder
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
by Patrick Lyon
In any building you walk into, the ceilings are generally a standard eight feet above the floor, sometimes higher. The average human is not eight feet tall. That is why the ladder was invented! They are an easy way to reach high places and are a much safer alternative to standing on unstable tables or
- Published in Ladders
Fall Protection Tips For Ladders and Scaffolding in MA
Tuesday, 02 April 2013
by Patrick Lyon
Nation Wide Ladder offers a wide variety of fall protection items to optimize safety. Most injuries that occur from the heights of ladders are due to hazardous behavior rather than malfunction of ladders or scaffolding. Here are a few tips that Nation Wide Ladder & Equipment offers for fall protection on your ladders and other
- Published in General, Fall Protection Tips, Ladders, Scaffolding