Why Is Walking Under Ladders Bad Luck?
Thursday, 08 March 2018
by Patrick Lyon
Even if you donโt believe in luck or spirits, youโve heard all the classics. Donโt step on cracks, watch out for black cats, and do not, under any circumstances, walk under ladders. Have you ever wondered where these superstitions come from? At Nationwide Ladder, weโre dedicated to knowing everything about MA ladders – including superstitions
- Published in Nation Wide Ladder, alum-a-pole, Construction Equipment, fall protection, ladder MA, Current Specials, ladders NH, Nation Wide Ladder & Equipment, General, Nation Wide Ladder and Equipment, Fall Protection Tips, Events, Ladders
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Benefits of Truck Outfitting
Thursday, 08 February 2018
by Patrick Lyon
If you have a pickup truck, you likely perform some work that requires you to carry around materials or large equipment. Even though the bed of the truck gives you the flexibility to transport large or awkwardly shaped things, you may not be using it to its full potential. With various ways to outfit your
Types of Fall Protection
Monday, 08 January 2018
by Patrick Lyon
In the construction world, there is always the possibility of falls. Although some accidents are inevitable, taking steps to minimize the chance of falling on the job can help keep your workers safe and productive, while also keeping insurance costs low. At Nationwide Ladder, we are in the business of selling construction equipment like ladders
NY Facing Increase of Construction Related Deaths
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
by Patrick Lyon
One of the most important aspects of being a go-to business for scaffolding in NH, MA, and around New England is keeping up with the relevant statistics and news regarding the construction industry. Following these important topics allows our experts to advise our clients and better prepare them for their job sites in the future.
- Published in Ladders, Scaffolding, Events
Tips for Taking Down Those Holiday Lights
Monday, 09 January 2017
by Patrick Lyon
It’s already January, and you have been staring at the holiday lights on your house every day you get home from work and keep telling yourself that you’ll get to taking them down eventually. Nation Wide Ladder is wondering, why not now? Though it can be a pain to get out the ladder in MA
- Published in Fall Protection Tips, Ladders, FAQs, Events
OSHA Looks to Update Fall Protection Rules
Tuesday, 01 November 2016
by Patrick Lyon
In September, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced they are searching for proposals to update fall protection rules for shipyard settings, which have not undergone revision since 1971. These concerns about fall protection will include safety information about ladders and stairways, scaffolds, ship repair, ship-breaking, falls and falling object protection, and other items of
- Published in Ladders, Scaffolding, Construction Equipment, Events, News