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Weatherguard Model 11908-52-01 Half Bar Headache Rack

Thereโ€™s only one brand of headache rack worthy of playing wingman to your WEATHER GUARDยฎ truck box. Just as durable and reliable, the WEATHER GUARD Model 11908-52-01 Half Bar Headache Rack is built to protect your cab and your professional reputation. They come in four classic designs fitting of the professional you are, and most importantly theyโ€™re equipped with the WEATHER GUARDยฎ badge. The same one on your truck box that proudly states you have tools of your trade worth protecting.



  • The half-bar design offers cab protection while maintainting accessibility to the cab window, as well as clearance for ladder or material transportation and a channel for accessory installation
  • Fits full size pick up trucks with universal design. See fitment guide for compatible makes and models
  • Corrossion-resistant aluminum protects against even the harshest weather conditions
  • Cab clearance through height adjustment
  • Additional functionality with channel for light brackets and fastening accessories
  • Matte Black ARMOR TUFยฎ Powder Coat finish ensures years of dependability
  • The headache racks include the mounting brackets and installation hardware
  • A limited lifetime warranty ensures unparalleled quality
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